The August Board meeting is tonight at 7pm in the library. Documents for the meeting are attached below.
July Board Meeting
The July Board meeting will be held 7/5/2021 at 7PM, this will include our annual board meeting. Documents for the meeting are below.
May Board Meeting
Below are all the documents for the May Board Meeting.
April Board Meeting
Our April Board meeting is tonight at 7PM at the library. All the documents are attached below.
March Board Meeting
The March Board Meeting will be held in person at the library Monday March 1st at 7:00PM. Please find the board documents below.
February Board Meeting
Below are the documents for the February Board Meeting. The meeting will be held on February 1st at 7PM at the library.
January Board Meeting
Our January Board meeting will be held on Monday January 4th at the library. The public is welcome to attend. Of particular note at this meeting the board will be discussing the budget for 2022. Documents for the board meeting…
December Board Meeting
The December 2020 board meeting will meet in person at the Perry Public Library at 7pm on December 14th. Documents for the meeting are attached below.
October Board Meeting
The October Board Meeting will be held at the Perry Town Hall. Documents for the meeting are below.
September Meeting
Our September board meeting will be held again at the Town Hall.